Statistics and meaning of name Calimandriuc
We have no records about Calimandriuc being used as firstname.
Surname Calimandriuc is used at least 26 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Given names
Costache Calimandriuc (2) Mihai Calimandriuc (2) Ilie Calimandriuc (2) Constantin Calimandriuc (2) Vasile Calimandriuc (2) Valentin Calimandriuc (2) Iordache Calimandriuc (1) Romica Calimandriuc (1) Silvica Calimandriuc (1) Petru Calimandriuc (1) Eusebiu Calimandriuc (1) Aneta Calimandriuc (1) Alexandru Calimandriuc (1) Carmen Calimandriuc (1) Cristinel Calimandriuc (1) Alexandrina Calimandriuc (1) Dumitru Calimandriuc (1) Gheorghe Calimandriuc (1) |
Calimandriuc reversed is Cuirdnamilac
Name contains 12 letters - 41.67% vowels and 58.33% consonants.
Anagrams: Lacmucaidnir Dalranicuicm
Misspells: Colimandriuc Calimandliuc Calimandrriuc Calymandriuc Caljmandriuc Calemandriuc Calimandriuca Claimandriuc Calimandricu Calimandruic
Rhymes: rebuke dybbuk puke duke uk
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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