Statistics and meaning of name Caltabellotta

Usage: 8% firstname, 92% surname.
Caltabellotta first name was found 14 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Caltabellotta is used at least 147 times in at least 8 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 卡尔塔贝洛塔 (pinyin: kǎ ěr tǎ bèi Luò tǎ)

      Surname Caltabellotta
Given names
Gaetano Caltabellotta (6)
Salvatore Caltabellotta (4)
Filippo Caltabellotta (3)
Rosa Caltabellotta (3)
Maria Caltabellotta (3)
Concetta Caltabellotta (3)
Giuseppe Caltabellotta (3)
Alessandra Caltabellotta (2)
Massimiliano Caltabellotta (2)
Antonino Caltabellotta (2)
Anna Caltabellotta (2)
Iside Caltabellotta (2)
Antonietta Caltabellotta (2)
Giovanni Caltabellotta (2)
Antonio Caltabellotta (2)
Crocetta Caltabellotta (1)
Giuseppina Caltabellotta (1)
Mario Caltabellotta (1)
Lucia Caltabellotta (1)
Michelangelo Caltabellotta (1)
Girolama Caltabellotta (1)
Christine Caltabellotta (1)
Pasqua Caltabellotta (1)
Michele Caltabellotta (1)
Christel Caltabellotta (1)
Benedetta Caltabellotta (1)
Enrica Caltabellotta (1)
Rosetta Caltabellotta (1)
Paola Caltabellotta (1)
Santa Caltabellotta (1)
Massimo Caltabellotta (1)
Giacomo Caltabellotta (1)
Luigi Caltabellotta (1)
Carmela Caltabellotta (1)
Domenico Caltabellotta (1)
Biagio Caltabellotta (1)
Davide Caltabellotta (1)
Angela Caltabellotta (1)
Gaspare Caltabellotta (1)

Surname Caltabellotta in Italy   Surname Caltabellotta in USA   

Caltabellotta reversed is Attollebatlac
Name contains 13 letters - 38.46% vowels and 61.54% consonants.

Misspells: Coltabellotta Caltabellottaa Clatabellotta Caltabellotat

Rhymes: gotta ricotta Beretta Calcutta Concetta Etta Henrietta proto quota rota scrota anecdota

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Belgium France Italy Netherlands South Africa Brazil


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