Statistics and meaning of name Cambose

We have no records about Cambose being used as firstname.
Surname Cambose is used at least 10 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Adrian Cambose (2)
Maria Cambose (2)
Emilia Cambose (2)
Viorica Cambose (1)
Vasile Cambose (1)
Mihaela Cambose (1)
Gheorghe Cambose (1)

Cambose reversed is Esobmac
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Cmaebso Bomasec Boacesm Cabmeos Amebsoc
Misspells: Combose Cambosse Cambosea Cmabose Camboes Cambsoe

Rhymes: verbose Bose Jose Rose Thutmose adipose arose compose cameos suppose impose oppose

Meaning of name Cambose is: Romanian version for the Bulgarian name [Kambosev] or the Greek names [Kombosos] or [Kambosu]
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Old Wiki
Name: Cambose
Language: Romanian
Meaning: Romanian version for the Bulgarian name Kambosev or the Greek names Kombosos or Kambosu

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