Statistics and meaning of name Candelise

We have no records about Candelise being used as firstname.
Surname Candelise is used at least 19 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 坎代利塞 (pinyin: kǎn dài lì sāi)

      Surname Candelise
Given names
Michele Candelise (2)
Maria Candelise (2)
Lucia Candelise (2)
Vieri Candelise (1)
Simone Candelise (1)
Anna Candelise (1)
Giuseppe Candelise (1)
Alessandro Candelise (1)

Surname Candelise in Italy   

Candelise reversed is Esilednac
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Adcenlesi Cadniesle Inlaseced
Misspells: Condelise Candelisse Candelyse Candeljse Candelese Candelisea Cnadelise Candelies Candelsie

Rhymes: Elise valise Bearnaise Boise Cochise Cruise Denise vitalise buckeyes jawlines chatlines touchlines

Meaning of this name is unknown.

gianmichele candelise says: please add: gianmichele candelise, cosenza, italy niccoló candelise, roma italy

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Writers: Livia Candelise

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