Statistics and meaning of name Candelise
We have no records about Candelise being used as firstname.
Surname Candelise is used at least 19 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 坎代利塞 (pinyin: kǎn dài lì sāi)
Given names
Michele Candelise (2) Maria Candelise (2) Lucia Candelise (2) Vieri Candelise (1) Simone Candelise (1) Anna Candelise (1) Giuseppe Candelise (1) Alessandro Candelise (1) |
Candelise reversed is Esilednac
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.
Anagrams: Adcenlesi Cadniesle Inlaseced
Misspells: Condelise Candelisse Candelyse Candeljse Candelese Candelisea Cnadelise Candelies Candelsie
Rhymes: Elise valise Bearnaise Boise Cochise Cruise Denise vitalise buckeyes jawlines chatlines touchlines
Meaning of this name is unknown.
gianmichele candelise says: please add: gianmichele candelise, cosenza, italy niccoló candelise, roma italy
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