Statistics and meaning of name Capalb

We have no records about Capalb being used as firstname.
Surname Capalb is used at least 43 times in at least 5 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.

      Surname Capalb
Given names
Ilie Capalb (4)
Floarea Capalb (3)
Gheorghita Capalb (2)
Marian Capalb (2)
Dorina Capalb (2)
Elisabeta Capalb (2)
Ecaterina Capalb (2)
Maria Capalb (2)
Mirela Capalb (1)
Viorel Capalb (1)
Stelian Capalb (1)
Ticu Capalb (1)
Loredana Capalb (1)
Sorin Capalb (1)
Haralambie Capalb (1)
Elena Capalb (1)
Steliana Capalb (1)
Gabriel Capalb (1)
Gherghina Capalb (1)
Ileana Capalb (1)
Alexandru Capalb (1)
Ion Capalb (1)

Capalb reversed is Blapac
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Caplab Pcalab Apcabl Cpalba
Misspells: Copalb Capalba Cpaalb Capabl Caplab

Rhymes: Kalb alb scalp shalt grab tab crab

Meaning of name Capalb is: it comes from 'cap alb' meaning 'white head'
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Australia Romania Moldova Canada Thailand Germany Italy Serbia Spain


Old Wiki
Name: Capalb
Language: Romanian
Meaning: it comes from cap alb meaning white head

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