Statistics and meaning of name Capatos
We have no records about Capatos being used as firstname.
Surname Capatos is used at least 18 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Greek.
Name written with Chinese letters: 卡帕托斯 (pinyin: kǎ pà tuō sī)
Given names
Gabriel Capatos (2) Mihaela Capatos (2) Stanuta Capatos (2) Adrian Capatos (2) Niculae Capatos (1) Evdochia Capatos (1) Eleonora Capatos (1) Denis Capatos (1) |
Capatos reversed is Sotapac
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Cpasaot Atpaosc Atacsop Apsaotc Sacpaot Soatpac
Misspells: Copatos Capatoss Capatosa Cpaatos Capatso Capaots
Rhymes: legatos pizzicatos staccatos vibratos shadows overshadows foreshadows tobaccos tobaccoes
Meaning of name Capatos is: Romanian version for the Greek name 'Kappatos'
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Domains - FREE - FREE - UNKNOWN - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Capatos Language: Romanian Origin: Greek Meaning: Romanian version for the Greek name Kappatos Comments: |
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