Statistics and meaning of name Caraiola

We have no records about Caraiola being used as firstname.
Surname Caraiola is used at least 33 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Caraiola
Given names
Maria Caraiola (5)
Gheorghe Caraiola (4)
Simona Caraiola (3)
Bocea Caraiola (3)
Alexandru Caraiola (2)
Florentina Caraiola (2)
Dumitru Caraiola (2)
Nicolae Caraiola (2)
Anastasia Caraiola (2)
Tascu Caraiola (1)
Anna Caraiola (1)
Florenta Caraiola (1)
Aurica Caraiola (1)
Daniela Caraiola (1)
Elena Caraiola (1)
Naum Caraiola (1)

Caraiola reversed is Aloiarac
Name contains 8 letters - 62.50% vowels and 37.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Aorcilaa Oicarlaa
Misspells: Coraiola Calaiola Carraiola Carayola Carajola Caraeola Caraiolaa Craaiola Caraioal Carailoa

Rhymes: Hispaniola Viola gladiola viola cupola canola granola ayatollah

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Romania United States Chile Algeria Thailand Turkey Pakistan


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or about the origins of this name?
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