Statistics and meaning of name Carryer
We have no records about Carryer being used as firstname.
Surname Carryer is used at least 127 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 卡里耶 (pinyin: kǎ lǐ yé)
Given names
Mary Carryer (4) Helen Carryer (3) Jeremy Carryer (3) Mark Carryer (3) Emily Carryer (2) Ann Carryer (2) Shirley Carryer (2) Andrew Carryer (2) Michael Carryer (1) Roy Carryer (1) Richard Carryer (1) Rhona Carryer (1) Matthew Carryer (1) Enid Carryer (1) Caroline Carryer (1) Angela Carryer (1) Jonathan Carryer (1) Connie Carryer (1) David Carryer (1) Eileen Carryer (1) Deborah Carryer (1) Kelliann Carryer (1) |
Carryer reversed is Reyrrac
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Crarrey Ryraerc Ryacrer
Misspells: Corryer Calryer Carrryer Carrier Carryera Craryer Carryre Carreyr
Rhymes: dryer fryer spryer wryer crier kitschier prior choir friar
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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