Statistics and meaning of name Casmally
We have no records about Casmally being used as firstname.
Surname Casmally is used at least 12 times in at least 1 countries. (UK)
Given names
Farida Casmally (2) Kairoon Casmally (1) Jane Casmally (1) Mohammad Casmally (1) Sabina Casmally (1) Ismael Casmally (1) Goolam Casmally (1) Amiirah Casmally (1) Dsobina Casmally (1) Fazila Casmally (1) Ali Casmally (1) |
Casmally reversed is Yllamsac
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Slaalcym
Misspells: Cosmally Cassmally Casmalli Casmallya Csamally Casmalyl
Rhymes: abnormally abysmally dismally formally infinitesimally informally maximally bacilli causally scaly basally gaudily
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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