Statistics and meaning of name Caurine
Caurine first name was found 5 times in 1 different countries. (France)
We didn't find anyone with surname Caurine.
Family names Caurine Turpin (1) Caurine Maurin (1) Caurine Marion (1) Caurine Gaubert (1) Caurine Fauche (1) |
Caurine reversed is Eniruac
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.
Anagrams: Riacenu Eacurni Neicrua
Misspells: Courine Cauline Caurrine Cauryne Caurjne Caurene Caurinea Cuarine Caurien Caurnie
Rhymes: Maurine Murine figurine tambourine urine Adeline Aline carinii valine nomine martini briny
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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