Statistics and meaning of name Ceb

Usage: 57% firstname, 43% surname.
Ceb first name was found 28 times in 8 different countries.
Surname Ceb is used at least 21 times in at least 10 countries.

      Surname Ceb
Given names
Gmbh Ceb (1)

Given name Ceb
Family names
Ceb Aby (2)
Ceb Sumbland (1)

Surname Ceb in USA   

Ceb reversed is Bec
Name contains 3 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Cbe Ebc Ecb Bce
Misspells: Ceba Cbe Ecb

Rhymes: dweeb grebe deep teach beach

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Netherlands Oman United Kingdom Austria Poland Qatar India Hong Kong Taiwan


Books: "CEB action guide" "Ceb, exploits of an uncommon man" "Ceb, studmaster of Canning Downs" "Ceb's amazing tail" "Bus Law Cebs Ed"

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