Statistics and meaning of name Cebernik
We have no records about Cebernik being used as firstname.
Surname Cebernik is used at least 25 times in at least 1 countries. (Poland)
Given names
Stanislaw Cebernik (5) Danuta Cebernik (2) Zenon Cebernik (2) Jadwiga Cebernik (2) Roman Cebernik (1) Mieczyslawa Cebernik (1) Wojciech Cebernik (1) Maria Cebernik (1) Tadeusz Cebernik (1) Czeslawa Cebernik (1) Lucyna Cebernik (1) Mariola Cebernik (1) Jolanta Cebernik (1) Andrzej Cebernik (1) Jaroslaw Cebernik (1) Iwona Cebernik (1) Jozef Cebernik (1) Malgorzata Cebernik (1) |
Cebernik reversed is Kinrebec
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Ecbekrin Ibenrekc Rebicekn Krebicne Bnericke
Misspells: Cebelnik Ceberrnik Cebernyk Cebernjk Cebernek Cebernika Cbeernik Cebernki Ceberink
Rhymes: Dubrovnik Sputnik beatnik halterneck hypodermic epidermic exothermic endothermic
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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