Statistics and meaning of name Cebrero

Usage: 4% firstname, 96% surname.
Cebrero first name was found 14 times in 2 different countries. (USA,Argentina)
Surname Cebrero is used at least 317 times in at least 10 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 塞夫雷罗 (pinyin: sāi fū léi luō)

      Surname Cebrero
Given names
Maria Cebrero (5)
Antonio Cebrero (3)
Jose Cebrero (3)
Juan Cebrero (2)
James Cebrero (2)
Antonia Cebrero (2)
Ana Cebrero (2)
Josefa Cebrero (1)
Jorge Cebrero (1)
Raquel Cebrero (1)
Yolanda Cebrero (1)
Fanny Cebrero (1)
Joy Cebrero (1)
Victoria Cebrero (1)
Tomas Cebrero (1)
Francisca Cebrero (1)
Roman Cebrero (1)
Mariano Cebrero (1)
Demetria Cebrero (1)
Alessandro Cebrero (1)
Giovanni Cebrero (1)
Stefano Cebrero (1)
Ruth Cebrero (1)
Joseph Cebrero (1)
Lucy Cebrero (1)
Giuseppe Cebrero (1)
Matteo Cebrero (1)
Marcelino Cebrero (1)
Dolores Cebrero (1)
Barbara Cebrero (1)
Andres Cebrero (1)
Agnes Cebrero (1)
Esteban Cebrero (1)

Surname Cebrero in Italy   Surname Cebrero in USA   

Cebrero reversed is Orerbec
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Cbeorre Reberoc Reecorb Cerboer Eborrec
Misspells: Ceblero Cebrrero Cebreroa Cberero Cebreor Cebrreo

Rhymes: sombrero Guerrero Herero Cicero sparrow yarrow bolero narrow

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom France Europe Philippines Italy Thailand Spain Germany


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