Statistics and meaning of name Cehok

We have no records about Cehok being used as firstname.
Surname Cehok is used at least 32 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Croatia)
Name written with Chinese letters: 切霍克 (pinyin: qiē huò kè)

Given names
Ivan Cehok (3)
Mario Cehok (2)
Stjepan Cehok (2)
Zeljko Cehok (2)
Dragutin Cehok (2)
Renato Cehok (1)
Slavko Cehok (1)
Zvonimir Cehok (1)
Zoran Cehok (1)
Nenad Cehok (1)
Karmen Cehok (1)
Drazenka Cehok (1)
Drazen Cehok (1)
Durdica Cehok (1)
Ema Cehok (1)
Ante Cehok (1)
Josip Cehok (1)
Nada Cehok (1)

Surname Cehok in Croatia   Surname Cehok in USA   

Cehok reversed is Kohec
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Cehko Okhec Kceoh Ceokh Ceohk Kehoc Heokc Cheko
Misspells: Cehoka Cheok Cehko Ceohk

Rhymes: stock shock flock hoc frock

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Croatia Ireland Germany


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