Statistics and meaning of name Ceocea

We have no records about Ceocea being used as firstname.
Surname Ceocea is used at least 47 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 切奥恰 (pinyin: qiē ào qià)

      Surname Ceocea
Given names
Constantin Ceocea (5)
Maria Ceocea (4)
Dumitru Ceocea (3)
Vasile Ceocea (3)
Elena Ceocea (3)
Mariana Ceocea (2)
Manuela Ceocea (2)
Nicolae Ceocea (2)
Petre Ceocea (2)
Aurelia Ceocea (2)
Gheorghe Ceocea (2)
Filofteia Ceocea (2)
Barbu Ceocea (2)
Costel Ceocea (2)
Ecaterina Ceocea (1)
Doina Ceocea (1)
Aurelian Ceocea (1)
Emilian Ceocea (1)
Ion Ceocea (1)
Victor Ceocea (1)
Carmen Ceocea (1)

Ceocea reversed is Aecoec
Name contains 6 letters - 66.67% vowels and 33.33% consonants.

Anagrams: Eocace Aeceoc Oceeca Eoccae Caocee Ecacoe Eoceac
Misspells: Ceoceo Ceoceaa Coecea Ceocae Ceoeca

Rhymes: panacea podia pizzeria alia diarrhea

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Cyprus Thailand Greece Romania


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