Statistics and meaning of name Chaluppa

We have no records about Chaluppa being used as firstname.
Surname Chaluppa is used at least 25 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Chaluppa
Given names
Walter Chaluppa (3)
Manfred Chaluppa (2)
Werner Chaluppa (2)
Maurerpolier Chaluppa (1)
Horst Chaluppa (1)
Heinz Chaluppa (1)
Monika Chaluppa (1)
Istvanne Chaluppa (1)
Rosemarie Chaluppa (1)
Oskar Chaluppa (1)
Hartmut Chaluppa (1)
Hannelore Chaluppa (1)
Lone Chaluppa (1)
Bjarke Chaluppa (1)
Anja Chaluppa (1)
Nanna Chaluppa (1)
Sabina Chaluppa (1)
Barbara Chaluppa (1)
Andre Chaluppa (1)
Willi Chaluppa (1)
Christiane Chaluppa (1)

Surname Chaluppa in Germany   

Chaluppa reversed is Appulahc
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Lcahaupp Palpuhac Lpacupah Aphupcal Puclapha
Misspells: Choluppa Chaluppaa Cahluppa Chalupap

Rhymes: Agrippa Zappa poppa pupa stupa scuba tuba barracuda

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States Denmark


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