Statistics and meaning of name Chapelard

We have no records about Chapelard being used as firstname.
Surname Chapelard is used at least 31 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Chapelard
Given names
Benjamin Chapelard (2)
Charles Chapelard (2)
Franck Chapelard (2)
Paul Chapelard (2)
James Chapelard (2)
Francoise Chapelard (2)
Yvonne Chapelard (1)
Marion Chapelard (1)
Michelle Chapelard (1)
Rene Chapelard (1)
Juliette Chapelard (1)
Viviane Chapelard (1)
Gilles Chapelard (1)
Genevieve Chapelard (1)
Emmanuel Chapelard (1)
Phillippa Chapelard (1)
Helene Chapelard (1)
Olivier Chapelard (1)
Armand Chapelard (1)
Albert Chapelard (1)
Claude Chapelard (1)

Surname Chapelard in France   

Chapelard reversed is Dralepahc
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Chopelard Chapelald Chapelarrd Chapelarda Cahpelard Chapeladr Chapelrad

Rhymes: Abelard Ballard Dillard Lollard Millard Pollard pillared mirrored differed billiard embittered

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France United Kingdom Thailand Switzerland

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