Statistics and meaning of name Cheridito
We have no records about Cheridito being used as firstname.
Surname Cheridito is used at least 8 times in at least 1 countries. (Switzerland)
Given names
Lavinio Cheridito (1) Stefan Cheridito (1) Egidio Cheridito (1) Bernardo Cheridito (1) Ilde Cheridito (1) Adelino Cheridito (1) Andrea Cheridito (1) |
![Surname Cheridito in Switzerland Surname Cheridito in Switzerland](/img/Switzerland/Cheridito.jpg)
Cheridito reversed is Otidirehc
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.
Anagrams: Iohritdec Idotercih Ircethodi
Misspells: Chelidito Cherridito Cherydito Cherjdito Cheredito Cheriditoa Cehridito Cheridiot Cheridtio
Rhymes: Akihito Benito Frito Hirohito Margarito Miskito Mutsuhito bonito burrito veto mosquito graffito
Meaning of this name is unknown.
jakob knobel says: der name wurde vor ca.130 jahren in Tirano, Italien, einem findelkind gegeben. vermutlich handelt es sich um einen kosenamen, zum beispiel dem spanischen begriff "queridito" (verniedlichungsform von "querido"), welches in etwa "kleiner geliebter" bedeutet
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