Statistics and meaning of name Chetroiu
We have no records about Chetroiu being used as firstname.
Surname Chetroiu is used at least 62 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Vasile Chetroiu (4) Ion Chetroiu (4) Maria Chetroiu (3) Iulian Chetroiu (3) Dorin Chetroiu (3) Ileana Chetroiu (2) Manuel Chetroiu (2) Ovidiu Chetroiu (2) Nicusor Chetroiu (2) Roza Chetroiu (2) Aurel Chetroiu (2) Lenuta Chetroiu (2) Silviu Chetroiu (2) Virginia Chetroiu (2) Dumitru Chetroiu (2) Dumitrita Chetroiu (2) Eugenia Chetroiu (2) Sorina Chetroiu (1) Anghelina Chetroiu (1) Valerica Chetroiu (1) Rodica Chetroiu (1) Neculai Chetroiu (1) Iordana Chetroiu (1) Filip Chetroiu (1) Dorel Chetroiu (1) Danut Chetroiu (1) Constanta Chetroiu (1) Floarea Chetroiu (1) Geta Chetroiu (1) Adrian Chetroiu (1) Ioan Chetroiu (1) Gheorghe Chetroiu (1) Ladislau Chetroiu (1) |
Chetroiu reversed is Uiortehc
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Tcehurio Ietorhuc Rheictuo Toecriuh Ihcetour Urheicot Eohricut
Misspells: Chetloiu Chetrroiu Chetroyu Chetroju Chetroeu Chetroiua Cehtroiu Chetroui Chetriou
Rhymes: variou niu getihu essieu lesiure
Meaning of name Chetroiu is: chetroi = 'big stone'
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