Statistics and meaning of name Chichirita
We have no records about Chichirita being used as firstname.
Surname Chichirita is used at least 42 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Elena Chichirita (4) Ioan Chichirita (4) Gheorghe Chichirita (3) Dumitru Chichirita (2) Toader Chichirita (2) Maria Chichirita (2) Dan Chichirita (2) Vasile Chichirita (2) Catalin Chichirita (2) Petrea Chichirita (1) Viorica Chichirita (1) Petru Chichirita (1) Rodica Chichirita (1) Verginia Chichirita (1) Mihaela Chichirita (1) Svetlana Chichirita (1) Constantin Chichirita (1) Anton Chichirita (1) Dorin Chichirita (1) Eugen Chichirita (1) Adela Chichirita (1) Alexandru Chichirita (1) Liliana Chichirita (1) |
Chichirita reversed is Atirihcihc
Name contains 10 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Tihhacicir Trihcichia
Misspells: Chichirito Chichilita Chichirrita Chychirita Chjchirita Chechirita Chichiritaa Cihchirita Chichiriat Chichirtia
Rhymes: Margarita Morita margarita Akita Angelita Anita Benita meta cheetah pita feta fajita
Meaning of name Chichirita is: it comes from 'checherita = sheep louse'; it could also be a Romanian version for the Bulgarian name 'Kekeritsa'; Chichiriţă
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Domains - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE | Old Wiki Name: Chichirita Language: Romanian Meaning: it comes from checherita = sheep louse; it could also be a Romanian version for the Bulgarian name Kekeritsa Comments: Chichiriţă |
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