Statistics and meaning of name Chihaescu

We have no records about Chihaescu being used as firstname.
Surname Chihaescu is used at least 14 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Austria)
Origin of this name is Romanian.

Given names
Mariana Chihaescu (2)
Cecilia Chihaescu (2)
Florian Chihaescu (2)
Daniela Chihaescu (2)
Viorica Chihaescu (1)
Maria Chihaescu (1)

Chihaescu reversed is Ucseahihc
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Seucihcah Siehcucah Uscacehhi Ahcichues
Misspells: Chihoescu Chihaesscu Chyhaescu Chjhaescu Chehaescu Chihaescua Cihhaescu Chihaesuc Chihaecsu

Rhymes: Ceausescu preview hsiu sieu spiritu hetu

Meaning of name Chihaescu is: same as [Chihai] + termination '-escu'; Chihăescu
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Italy


Old Wiki
Name: Chihaescu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: same as Chihai + termination -escu
Comments: Chihăescu

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