Statistics and meaning of name Chimi

Usage: 48% firstname, 52% surname.
Chimi first name was found 52 times in 18 different countries.
Surname Chimi is used at least 56 times in at least 13 countries.
Gender of firstname Chimi is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.

      Surname Chimi
Given names
Viorel Chimi (2)
Seraphine Chimi (1)
Adel Chimi (1)
Yasuhiro Chimi (1)
Helene Chimi (1)
Miki Chimi (1)
Allal Chimi (1)
Ivo Chimi (1)
Reine Chimi (1)
Mohamed Chimi (1)
Florentina Chimi (1)
Chimeme Chimi (1)

Given name Chimi
Family names
Chimi Thupten (1)
Chimi Gekhang (1)
Chimi Reine (1)
Chimi Ngakeng (1)

Surname Chimi in France   Surname Chimi in USA   

Chimi reversed is Imihc
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Chiim Miihc Ihimc Ihmic Cihim
Misspells: Chymi Chjmi Chemi Chimia Cihmi Chiim Chmii

Rhymes: Mimi pianissimi jimmy gimme shimmy synonymy dinghy

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Switzerland Germany Canada Malaysia Egypt United Kingdom Australia France Poland Belgium Netherlands Cameroon Thailand India Sweden Yemen Vietnam Albania Nepal Korea United Arab Emirates South Africa


Famous people: Chimi Wangmo, Chimi Dorji

Writers: Carl Chimi, Société De Chimie Physique

Books: "Chimie" "La chimie de la ferme" "Chimie Tle S" "Physique - Chimie, Terminale S" "Physique Chimie Tle S" "Physique chimie seconde" "chimie generale" "Chimie organique (French Edition)" "Chimie Tle S (French Edition)"

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