Statistics and meaning of name Chinwadzimba
We have no records about Chinwadzimba being used as firstname.
Surname Chinwadzimba is used at least 11 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,UK)
Given names
Patience Chinwadzimba (2) Warren Chinwadzimba (2) Kingsley Chinwadzimba (1) Felistas Chinwadzimba (1) Ellen Chinwadzimba (1) Chrispin Chinwadzimba (1) |
Chinwadzimba reversed is Abmizdawnihc
Name contains 12 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Misspells: Chinwodzimba Chynwadzimba Chinvvadzimba Chjnwadzimba Chenwadzimba Chinwadzimbaa Cihnwadzimba Chinwadzimab Chinwadzibma
Rhymes: marimba Cochabamba Macumba Zomba rumba samba kinda ninja chinchilla scintilla
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Barry B Chinwadzimba says: The name Chinwadzimba was bastardised from "CHINWA ADZIMBA", a Shona term describing a person "usually a man" who only drinks after a successful hunt. It generally means One who never rests until his/her goal is achieved...a hard worker who also knows how to celebrate success!
Barry B Chinwadzimba says: The name Chinwadzimba was bastardised from "CHINWA ADZIMBA", a Shona term describing a person "usually a man" who only drinks after a successful hunt. It generally means One who never rests until his/her goal is achieved...a hard worker who also knows how to celebrate success!
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