Statistics and meaning of name Chiris

Usage: 25% firstname, 75% surname.
Chiris first name was found 20 times in 6 different countries.
Surname Chiris is used at least 57 times in at least 7 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 希里 (pinyin: xī lǐ)

      Surname Chiris
Given names
Adrian Chiris (2)
Bernard Chiris (2)
Silviu Chiris (2)
Mihaela Chiris (2)
Ioana Chiris (2)
Valeria Chiris (2)
Claudiu Chiris (2)
Vasile Chiris (2)
Eugenia Chiris (2)
Florea Chiris (2)
Evelyne Chiris (1)
Claude Chiris (1)
Isabelle Chiris (1)
Emile Chiris (1)
Remi Chiris (1)
Maryse Chiris (1)
Pascale Chiris (1)
Gil Chiris (1)
Bruno Chiris (1)
Raymonde Chiris (1)
Axel Chiris (1)
Josiane Chiris (1)
Sofia Chiris (1)
Ion Chiris (1)
Marian Chiris (1)
Gheorghe Chiris (1)
Constantina Chiris (1)
Aurel Chiris (1)
Mariana Chiris (1)
Marin Chiris (1)
Teodora Chiris (1)
Silvia Chiris (1)
Nelu Chiris (1)
Neculai Chiris (1)
Viorica Chiris (1)

Given name Chiris
Family names
Chiris Mone (1)

Surname Chiris in France   

Chiris reversed is Sirihc
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Criihs Ichirs Rsicih Cihisr Hicisr
Misspells: Chilis Chirris Chiriss Chyris Chjris Cheris Chirisa Cihris Chirsi Chiirs

Rhymes: Osiris daiquiris iris Boris Burris Chris Deloris cirrus papyrus villus guerrillas villas

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Romania United States Germany France Switzerland Malaysia Czech Republic


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