Statistics and meaning of name Chiro

Usage: 21% firstname, 79% surname.
Chiro first name was found 56 times in 19 different countries.
Surname Chiro is used at least 201 times in at least 19 countries.
Gender of firstname Chiro is 33% feminine and 67% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 基罗 (pinyin: jī luō)

      Surname Chiro
Given names
Angelo Chiro (2)
Livia Chiro (1)
Heilana Chiro (1)
Ali Chiro (1)
Ruth Chiro (1)
Tag Chiro (1)
Maggie Chiro (1)
Nyinge Chiro (1)
Edao Chiro (1)

Given name Chiro
Family names
Chiro Saeed (1)
Chiro Rostam (1)
Chiro Vitiello (1)
Chiro Okito (1)
Chiro Mahmoud (1)
Chiro Montuoro (1)

Surname Chiro in Italy   Surname Chiro in USA   

Chiro reversed is Orihc
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Chior Roihc Ohirc Ihroc Cihor
Misspells: Chilo Chirro Chyro Chjro Chero Chiroa Cihro Chior Chrio

Rhymes: Biro Cairo Miro Ramiro Shapiro Spiro giro zero hero tiro nonzero

Meaning of name Chiro is: salmon
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Poland Malaysia Egypt Iraq Russian Federation United Kingdom Netherlands Thailand Australia Austria Sweden Romania Canada


Writers: Alva de Chiro, Giovanna Di Chiro, Michael David Chiro Soko

Books: "Chiro, Tome 7 (French Edition)" "Chiro, Tome 6 (French Edition)" "Chiro, Tome 5" "Star Project Chiro Volume 4" "Superstar Project Chiro Volume 1"

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