Statistics and meaning of name Chishtie

We have no records about Chishtie being used as firstname.
Surname Chishtie is used at least 30 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Chishtie
Given names
Nadir Chishtie (2)
Abdul Chishtie (2)
Nida Chishtie (1)
Omar Chishtie (1)
Salma Chishtie (1)
Waqar Chishtie (1)
Nadira Chishtie (1)
Saima Chishtie (1)
Mohammed Chishtie (1)
Alieed Chishtie (1)
Aheed Chishtie (1)
Hennah Chishtie (1)
Huma Chishtie (1)
Khurram Chishtie (1)
Aamir Chishtie (1)

Chishtie reversed is Eithsihc
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Scihehit Hhiicset Stichieh Ihcisteh Hesitihc
Misspells: Chisshtie Chyshtie Chjshtie Cheshtie Chishtiea Cihshtie Chishtei Chishite

Rhymes: nightie Artie Bertie Bettie Christie Hattie Hettie fifty misty shifty nifty twisty

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Thailand Iran


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