Statistics and meaning of name Chitiba

We have no records about Chitiba being used as firstname.
Surname Chitiba is used at least 32 times in at least 2 countries. (Canada,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 基蒂巴 (pinyin: jī dì bā)

Given names
Ioan Chitiba (6)
Maria Chitiba (3)
Elena Chitiba (3)
Razvan Chitiba (2)
Teodor Chitiba (2)
Vionelia Chitiba (2)
Florian Chitiba (2)
Zenobia Chitiba (1)
Viorel Chitiba (1)
Horia Chitiba (1)
Dorin Chitiba (1)
Andronic Chitiba (1)
Emilian Chitiba (1)
Gheorghe Chitiba (1)
Corneliu Chitiba (1)
Magdalena Chitiba (1)

Chitiba reversed is Abitihc
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Cihatbi Tiihbac Tihcabi Hiatbic Ahcitbi Abhiitc Baictih
Misspells: Chitibo Chytiba Chjtiba Chetiba Chitibaa Cihtiba Chitiab Chitbia

Rhymes: Curitiba Chiba Toshiba amoeba deja cheetah pita fajita

Meaning of name Chitiba is: same as [Chitibus]; Chiţiba
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Canada Romania South Africa Thailand


Old Wiki
Name: Chitiba
Language: Romanian
Meaning: same as Chitibus
Comments: Chiţiba

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