Statistics and meaning of name Chitokomere
We have no records about Chitokomere being used as firstname.
Surname Chitokomere is used at least 6 times in at least 2 countries. (UK,United Arab Emirates)
Given names
Trust Chitokomere (2) Musaemura Chitokomere (1) Freedom Chitokomere (1) David Chitokomere (1) |
Chitokomere reversed is Eremokotihc
Name contains 11 letters - 45.45% vowels and 54.55% consonants.
Anagrams: Hiotkecoemr Heemrotocki Kecriohmote
Misspells: Chitokomele Chitokomerre Chytokomere Chjtokomere Chetokomere Chitokomerea Cihtokomere Chitokomeer Chitokomree
Rhymes: Ellesmere cashmere mere Ampere Deere Guinevere
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Tanaka Chitokomere says: Chitokomere is a Shona surname which is a combination of two words ,"chitoko" which literally means small and "mere" which came from "Mera" which means growth .Chitokomere surname originated from a native Zimbabwean around the 18th century.Our forefather(the first person to hold the Chitokomere surname) fled from the present-day Chipinge area due to tribal wars to the present day Bikita area. With no relatives and friends our forefather stated to work to a local. Eventually our forefather married the local's daughter. When this happened the local gave our forefather a piece of land to raise his family.After some years our forefather had some possessions and the locals who knew his history started wondering saying "chimunhu chakauya chiri chtoko chatomera " an expression of seeing our forefather's success
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