Statistics and meaning of name Chramer
We have no records about Chramer being used as firstname.
Surname Chramer is used at least 40 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 克拉默 (pinyin: kè lā mò)
Given names
Daniel Chramer (2) Svein Chramer (2) Hans Chramer (2) Christian Chramer (2) Marie Chramer (1) Kent Chramer (1) Reinhold Chramer (1) Lena Chramer (1) Ricard Chramer (1) Zandra Chramer (1) Yvonne Chramer (1) William Chramer (1) Robert Chramer (1) Indra Chramer (1) Emil Chramer (1) Marius Chramer (1) Jorn Chramer (1) Joakim Chramer (1) Marte Chramer (1) Robin Chramer (1) Cenela Chramer (1) Anett Chramer (1) Alexander Chramer (1) Geertruida Chramer (1) |
Chramer reversed is Remarhc
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.
Misspells: Chromer Chlamer Chrramer Chramera Crhamer Chramre Chraemr
Rhymes: Kramer framer blamer creamer daydreamer dreamer grammar glamour clamor clamour glamor
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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