Statistics and meaning of name Ciambur

We have no records about Ciambur being used as firstname.
Surname Ciambur is used at least 44 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Ciambur
Given names
Dumitru Ciambur (5)
Maria Ciambur (5)
Gheorghe Ciambur (3)
Mihai Ciambur (3)
Petrea Ciambur (2)
Bogdan Ciambur (2)
Radu Ciambur (2)
Mihail Ciambur (2)
Irina Ciambur (2)
Ion Ciambur (2)
Elena Ciambur (2)
Emilia Ciambur (1)
Eleonora Ciambur (1)
Nicolae Ciambur (1)
Floarea Ciambur (1)
Marian Ciambur (1)
Mihaela Ciambur (1)
Ioan Ciambur (1)

Ciambur reversed is Rubmaic
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Cairmub Mbicrua Cimarbu Iarmubc Bramcui Ricamub Ruibamc Mucraib
Misspells: Ciombur Ciambul Ciamburr Cyambur Cjambur Ceambur Ciambura Caimbur Ciambru Ciamubr

Rhymes: Babur Excalibur Wilbur bur somber ponder wander yonder conjure

Meaning of this name is unknown.
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