Statistics and meaning of name Cilean

We have no records about Cilean being used as firstname.
Surname Cilean is used at least 57 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Germany)

Given names
Ioan Cilean (8)
Vasile Cilean (7)
Dorel Cilean (4)
Maria Cilean (4)
Ioana Cilean (4)
Ionel Cilean (2)
Simion Cilean (2)
Renate Cilean (2)
Gavril Cilean (2)
Virginica Cilean (2)
Dumitru Cilean (2)
Viorel Cilean (2)
Ilie Cilean (2)
Virgil Cilean (2)
Elena Cilean (2)
Elita Cilean (2)
Lucretia Cilean (1)
Sabin Cilean (1)
Liviu Cilean (1)
Ovidiu Cilean (1)
Ardeluta Cilean (1)

Cilean reversed is Naelic
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Icelna Ilenca Celain Ilcena Cliane Ilcane
Misspells: Cileon Cylean Cjlean Celean Cileana Cliean Cilena Cilaen

Rhymes: Chilean Galilean Ashmolean Boolean Periclean boolean chorion lndian dn ruffian

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Romania Russian Federation Korea India United Kingdom Thailand


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