Statistics and meaning of name Ciniello

Usage: 4% firstname, 96% surname.
Ciniello first name was found 4 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Ciniello is used at least 92 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Ciniello
Given names
Canio Ciniello (3)
Pietro Ciniello (3)
Maria Ciniello (3)
Nicola Ciniello (3)
Anna Ciniello (2)
Angelo Ciniello (2)
Michele Ciniello (2)
Antonio Ciniello (2)
Pasquale Ciniello (2)
Rocco Ciniello (1)
Sonia Ciniello (1)
Franck Ciniello (1)
Pascal Ciniello (1)
Nicolas Ciniello (1)
Vito Ciniello (1)
Giulia Ciniello (1)
Rosa Ciniello (1)
Mario Ciniello (1)
Giuseppe Ciniello (1)
Oswaldo Ciniello (1)
Antonia Ciniello (1)
Paul Ciniello (1)
Santino Ciniello (1)
Vincenzo Ciniello (1)
Franco Ciniello (1)
Nino Ciniello (1)
Gina Ciniello (1)
Carmelo Ciniello (1)

Surname Ciniello in Italy   Surname Ciniello in USA   

Ciniello reversed is Olleinic
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Linolice Licniloe Nlielcoi Lecinlio
Misspells: Cyniello Cjniello Ceniello Cinielloa Cniiello Cinielol

Rhymes: Costello Donatello Monticello Othello Pirandello Uccello bordello tangelo playfellow fellow yellow

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Canada Italy Germany France Thailand Switzerland Hungary Brazil


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