Statistics and meaning of name Ciorhan
We have no records about Ciorhan being used as firstname.
Surname Ciorhan is used at least 14 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Given names
Constantin Ciorhan (3) Nicolae Ciorhan (2) Marian Ciorhan (2) Neculai Ciorhan (1) Pavel Ciorhan (1) Elena Ciorhan (1) Clara Ciorhan (1) Domnica Ciorhan (1) Ana Ciorhan (1) Elisabeta Ciorhan (1) |
Ciorhan reversed is Nahroic
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Coinrah Rhicnao Cironha Ionrahc Hnorcai Nicorah Naihorc Racnoih
Misspells: Ciorhon Ciolhan Ciorrhan Cyorhan Cjorhan Ceorhan Ciorhana Coirhan Ciorhna Ciorahn
Rhymes: Afghan Anshan Astrakhan Behan Callaghan Callahan Chan portion abortion torsion apportion coarsen
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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