Statistics and meaning of name Ciupis
We have no records about Ciupis being used as firstname.
Surname Ciupis is used at least 10 times in at least 3 countries.
Given names
Krzysztof Ciupis (1) Leszek Ciupis (1) Ryszard Ciupis (1) Tadeusz Ciupis (1) Krystyna Ciupis (1) Jerzy Ciupis (1) Artur Ciupis (1) Jacek Ciupis (1) Cecylia Ciupis (1) Valentina Ciupis (1) |
Ciupis reversed is Sipuic
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Icpusi Sipiuc Uciips Psucii Iucisp
Misspells: Ciupiss Cyupis Cjupis Ceupis Ciupisa Cuipis Ciupsi Ciuips
Rhymes: Kempis Thespis pis drudges trudges rubbish crutches ablative
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Talissa Ciupis says: Der Nachname "Ciupis" kommt aus dem Spanischen und die Vorfahren von der Ciupis Familie waren vor langer Zeit eine Adelige Also alle mit dem Nachnamen Ciupis sind von Adeligem Geblüts
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