Statistics and meaning of name Clericetti

We have no records about Clericetti being used as firstname.
Surname Clericetti is used at least 28 times in at least 2 countries. (Italy,Switzerland)
Name written with Chinese letters: 克莱里切蒂 (pinyin: kè lái lǐ qiē dì)

Given names
Martino Clericetti (3)
Fausto Clericetti (2)
Dante Clericetti (2)
Lucia Clericetti (2)
Guido Clericetti (2)
Giuseppe Clericetti (2)
Elvezio Clericetti (1)
Nicola Clericetti (1)
Gigi Clericetti (1)
Ornella Clericetti (1)
Juri Clericetti (1)
Ivano Clericetti (1)
Gaetan Clericetti (1)
Beniamino Clericetti (1)
Vincenzo Clericetti (1)
Matilde Clericetti (1)
Paola Clericetti (1)
Giulio Clericetti (1)
Daria Clericetti (1)

Surname Clericetti in Italy   Surname Clericetti in Switzerland   

Clericetti reversed is Ittecirelc
Name contains 10 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Lticreicte Rilcectite Rlececitit Teicreltic
Misspells: Clelicetti Clerricetti Clerycetti Clerjcetti Clerecetti Clericettia Celricetti Clericetit

Rhymes: Donizetti Ferlinghetti Giacometti Olivetti Rossetti Vanzetti confetti machete fidgety libretti

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Italy Switzerland Germany Poland South Africa Europe United Kingdom Brazil Argentina

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