Statistics and meaning of name Coispeau

We have no records about Coispeau being used as firstname.
Surname Coispeau is used at least 24 times in at least 1 countries. (France)

Given names
Nicole Coispeau (2)
Gerard Coispeau (2)
Sarah Coispeau (1)
Pierre Coispeau (1)
Severine Coispeau (1)
Victor Coispeau (1)
Nicolas Coispeau (1)
Corinne Coispeau (1)
Aurelien Coispeau (1)
Louis Coispeau (1)
Charles Coispeau (1)
Andre Coispeau (1)
Michel Coispeau (1)
Christian Coispeau (1)
Claude Coispeau (1)
Yann Coispeau (1)
Jean Coispeau (1)
Maurice Coispeau (1)

Surname Coispeau in France   

Coispeau reversed is Uaepsioc
Name contains 8 letters - 62.50% vowels and 37.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Aisepouc Aociseup
Misspells: Coispeou Coisspeau Coyspeau Cojspeau Coespeau Coispeaua Ciospeau Coispeua Coispaeu

Rhymes: Beau Clemenceau Clouseau Cocteau Cointreau Cousteau Fizeau bestow stow kapok gateau gateaux

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Martel says: The name probably origins from a place in Brittany called 'Coispean'. It used to be "de Coispean" before the French revolution
Martel says: coispeau origins from 'de Coispean'

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