Statistics and meaning of name Colaitis

Usage: 4% firstname, 96% surname.
Colaitis first name was found 1 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Colaitis is used at least 23 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,France)

Given names
Denise Colaitis (2)
Olivier Colaitis (1)
Dominique Colaitis (1)
Laurent Colaitis (1)

Surname Colaitis in France   Surname Colaitis in USA   

Colaitis reversed is Sitialoc
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Aclosiit Ilatiosc Iolicast Ioclatsi Osaitlic Siolicta Ticalios
Misspells: Coloitis Colaitiss Colaytis Colajtis Colaetis Colaitisa Cloaitis Colaitsi Colaiits

Rhymes: Kuwaitis appendicitis arthritis bronchitis bursitis colitis phlebitis thrombophlebitis whitish obliges smirches

Meaning of this name is unknown.

colaitis says: The origin of this name is greek, it's the name of a small village κολαιτης in the κεφαλονια island). In Greek the leading C is replaced by a K (kappa).
colaitis says: The origin of this name is Greece. orginal spelling is with a "K" (kappa) instead of the leading "C". More precisely it seems to come frome the "kefalonia" island. 50 years ago there was a small village with this name. The family has emigrated to the USA, France, Australia and Swiss. In france there are fanr many people with this name, all belonging to the same family. - Georgse Stamatis Colaïtis - Denise Colaïtis - Olivier Colaïtis - Dominique Colaïtis - Etienne Colaïtis - Yann Colaïtis - Marie-jean Colaïtis - Françoise Colaïtis - Laurent Colaïtis - Marilou Colaïtis - Arnaud Colaïtis - Laureline Colaïtis - Maël Colaïtis In Russia : - Maxime Colaïtis - Stephane Colaïtis - Katia Colaïtis

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