Statistics and meaning of name Comnea
We have no records about Comnea being used as firstname.
Surname Comnea is used at least 90 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Name written with Chinese letters: 科姆内亚 (pinyin: kē mǔ nèi yà)
Given names
Nicolae Comnea (7) Vasile Comnea (7) Marin Comnea (6) Constantin Comnea (5) Gheorghe Comnea (4) Mihai Comnea (3) Victoria Comnea (3) Ion Comnea (2) Grigore Comnea (2) Maria Comnea (2) Stoian Comnea (2) Viorica Comnea (2) Victor Comnea (2) Ionel Comnea (2) Cornel Comnea (2) Dumitra Comnea (2) Costel Comnea (2) Gelu Comnea (2) Florin Comnea (2) Dumitru Comnea (2) Alina Comnea (2) Cantemir Comnea (2) Anica Comnea (2) Tamara Comnea (1) Urse Comnea (1) Viorel Comnea (1) Claudia Comnea (1) Nicoleta Comnea (1) Gabriela Comnea (1) Ilie Comnea (1) Adrian Comnea (1) Laurentiu Comnea (1) Niculae Comnea (1) Mihaela Comnea (1) Pompilian Comnea (1) |
Comnea reversed is Aenmoc
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Omnace Aonemc Mcoena Namceo Enacmo Omcean
Misspells: Comneo Comneaa Cmonea Comnae Comena
Rhymes: Guinea cornea guinea peritonea insomnia omnia cochlea aria loggia
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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