Statistics and meaning of name Cormorant

We have no records about Cormorant being used as firstname.
Surname Cormorant is used at least 34 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Cormorant
Given names
Audrey Cormorant (2)
Aymeric Cormorant (2)
Laurence Cormorant (1)
Jocelyne Cormorant (1)
Jacqueline Cormorant (1)
Gerard Cormorant (1)
Maria Cormorant (1)
Michel Cormorant (1)
Yves Cormorant (1)
Patrick Cormorant (1)
Pascal Cormorant (1)
Miriamme Cormorant (1)
Georges Cormorant (1)
Benoit Cormorant (1)
Bernard Cormorant (1)
Ghislain Cormorant (1)
Fabrice Cormorant (1)
Carole Cormorant (1)
Roger Cormorant (1)
Alain Cormorant (1)
Jean Cormorant (1)
Vanessa Cormorant (1)
Alfred Cormorant (1)
Andree Cormorant (1)

Surname Cormorant in France   

Cormorant reversed is Tnaromroc
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Misspells: Cormoront Colmorant Corrmorant Cormoranta Cromorant Cormoratn Cormornat

Rhymes: deodorant expectorant ignorant Brant Durant Grant aberrant corporate crosscurrent forwardest awkwardest

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: France United States United Kingdom Russian Federation India Spain Australia Canada Germany New Zealand


Books: "The cormorant" "Cormorant's rock" "The Cormorant" "The Cormorant venture" "Cormorant's Brood" "Flight of the cormorants: a novel" "The fisherman and the cormorants" "Cave of the 'Cormorant'" "The Uncommon Cormorant" "The Flight of the Cormorants" "Pelicans, cormorants, and their kin"

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