Statistics and meaning of name Cornelias

Usage: 72% firstname, 28% surname.
Cornelias first name was found 24 times in 4 different countries.
Surname Cornelias is used at least 9 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Cornelias
Given names
Joshua Cornelias (1)

Given name Cornelias
Family names
Cornelias Ncube (1)
Cornelias Knap (1)

Surname Cornelias in USA   

Cornelias reversed is Sailenroc
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Conrisale Irloascen
Misspells: Cornelios Colnelias Corrnelias Corneliass Cornelyas Corneljas Corneleas Corneliasa Cronelias Cornelisa Cornelais

Rhymes: Elias alias camellias dahlias magnolias impious bias pious chlamydias

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Turkey United Kingdom Germany Philippines


Old Wiki
Name: Cornelias
Gender: Masculine
Location: Africa
Language: African
Thematic: Biblical
Meaning: A good centurion
Comments: An environmentalist who loves the lord.

Famous people: Cornelia Scheffer, Cornelia Connelly

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or about the origins of this name?
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