Statistics and meaning of name Corriente

We have no records about Corriente being used as firstname.
Surname Corriente is used at least 37 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Corriente
Given names
Miguel Corriente (2)
Sergio Corriente (2)
Teresa Corriente (1)
Eguez Corriente (1)
Manuel Corriente (1)
Julio Corriente (1)
David Corriente (1)
Enrique Corriente (1)
Federico Corriente (1)
Anastasio Corriente (1)

Surname Corriente in USA   

Corriente reversed is Etneirroc
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Orcereitn Rerecitno Creinreto Nreotecir Enticeror
Misspells: Colriente Corrriente Corryente Corrjente Correente Corrientea Croriente Corrienet Corrietne

Rhymes: Vicente détente entente Bronte Dante Durante Monte relay freeway screenplay leeway arife

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Colombia Sweden


Writers: Federico Corriente, Francisco Corriente, F. Corriente, José A. Corriente Córdoba, Federico Corriente Córdoba, Federico Corriente Basus

Books: "Corrientes ocultas" "Contra la corriente" "Ri Im Al Corriente" "Corrientes Del Espacio, Las"

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