Statistics and meaning of name Cossellu
We have no records about Cossellu being used as firstname.
Surname Cossellu is used at least 52 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 科塞卢 (pinyin: kē sāi lú)
Given names
Salvatore Cossellu (3) Serafino Cossellu (3) Antonio Cossellu (3) Giovanni Cossellu (3) Giuseppe Cossellu (2) Valter Cossellu (2) Albino Cossellu (2) Luciana Cossellu (2) Michele Cossellu (1) Amandine Cossellu (1) Gino Cossellu (1) Giancarlo Cossellu (1) Joelle Cossellu (1) Vanessa Cossellu (1) Diego Cossellu (1) Apollo Cossellu (1) Raimonda Cossellu (1) Giuseppina Cossellu (1) Bachisio Cossellu (1) Daniele Cossellu (1) Lidio Cossellu (1) Dante Cossellu (1) Nenna Cossellu (1) |
Cossellu reversed is Ullessoc
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Sloelcus
Misspells: Cosssellu Cossellua Csosellu Cosselul
Rhymes: prosecu longitu
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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