Statistics and meaning of name Costache
Usage: 49% firstname, 51% surname.
Costache first name was found 5578 times in 12 different countries.
Surname Costache is used at least 5607 times in at least 22 countries.
Gender of firstname Costache is 14% feminine and 86% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 科斯塔凯 (pinyin: kē sī tǎ kǎi)
![]() | Given names
Ion Costache (276) Gheorghe Costache (256) Maria Costache (176) Constantin Costache (169) Nicolae Costache (133) Elena Costache (133) Vasile Costache (126) Dumitru Costache (114) Marin Costache (86) Alexandru Costache (65) Petre Costache (53) Stefan Costache (51) Mihai Costache (49) Marian Costache (49) Ioana Costache (49) Ioan Costache (38) Florea Costache (38) Ilie Costache (37) Ionel Costache (37) Mariana Costache (35) Niculae Costache (33) Aurel Costache (33) Georgeta Costache (32) Adrian Costache (30) Mircea Costache (29) Tudor Costache (28) Florica Costache (27) Stelian Costache (26) Niculina Costache (25) Viorel Costache (25) Vasilica Costache (24) Iulian Costache (24) Eugenia Costache (24) Ana Costache (22) Rodica Costache (21) Aurelia Costache (21) Florin Costache (21) Constanta Costache (21) Cristina Costache (21) Traian Costache (21) George Costache (20) Victor Costache (19) Anica Costache (19) Ecaterina Costache (18) Valentin Costache (18) Viorica Costache (17) Alexandrina Costache (17) Costel Costache (17) Mihaela Costache (17) Cornelia Costache (17) Elisabeta Costache (17) Silvia Costache (17) Neculai Costache (16) Cristian Costache (16) Florian Costache (16) Ileana Costache (16) Daniel Costache (15) Aurica Costache (15) Marius Costache (15) Floarea Costache (15) Gabriel Costache (15) Mihail Costache (15) Stefana Costache (15) Victoria Costache (15) Radu Costache (14) Lucian Costache (14) Daniela Costache (14) Costica Costache (14) Stana Costache (14) Valeria Costache (13) Liliana Costache (13) Emilia Costache (13) Ilinca Costache (13) Teodora Costache (13) Paul Costache (13) Doina Costache (13) Dan Costache (13) Nicusor Costache (13) Dorina Costache (12) Gabriela Costache (12) Eugen Costache (12) Sandu Costache (12) Anisoara Costache (12) Mihalache Costache (12) Emil Costache (12) Valeriu Costache (12) Angela Costache (12) Liviu Costache (12) Marilena Costache (12) Nicu Costache (12) Cristea Costache (11) Sorin Costache (11) Virgil Costache (11) Cornel Costache (11) Gheorghita Costache (11) Lenuta Costache (11) Mitica Costache (11) Grigore Costache (11) Steluta Costache (10) Romeo Costache (10) Petrica Costache (10) Tanase Costache (10) Dumitra Costache (10) Marioara Costache (10) Florina Costache (10) Nicoleta Costache (10) Dobre Costache (10) Gherghina Costache (10) Madalina Costache (9) Aurelian Costache (9) Mihaita Costache (9) Octavian Costache (9) Teodor Costache (9) Carmen Costache (9) Stelica Costache (9) Steliana Costache (9) Stela Costache (8) Matei Costache (8) Stanca Costache (8) Margareta Costache (8) Tudorel Costache (8) Paula Costache (8) Silviu Costache (8) Rada Costache (8) Iuliana Costache (8) Luminita Costache (8) Adriana Costache (8) Alexandra Costache (8) Bogdan Costache (8) Anca Costache (7) Marinela Costache (7) Veronica Costache (7) Gelu Costache (7) Doru Costache (7) Eleonora Costache (7) Stan Costache (7) Manole Costache (7) Petrache Costache (7) Petra Costache (7) Stefania Costache (7) Ovidiu Costache (7) Cristache Costache (7) Dorin Costache (6) Marcela Costache (6) Iancu Costache (6) Laurentiu Costache (6) Dorel Costache (6) Valentina Costache (6) Voica Costache (6) Anghel Costache (6) Anghelina Costache (6) Mioara Costache (6) Lucica Costache (6) Georgel Costache (6) Petru Costache (6) Filofteia Costache (6) Tudora Costache (6) Gina Costache (6) Lucia Costache (6) Paraschiva Costache (6) Andrei Costache (6) Maricel Costache (6) Lucretia Costache (6) Corneliu Costache (6) Catalin Costache (6) Camelia Costache (5) Aneta Costache (5) Trandafira Costache (5) Paraschiv Costache (5) Magdalena Costache (5) Panait Costache (5) Florentina Costache (5) Frusina Costache (5) Sanda Costache (5) Ionela Costache (5) Iordan Costache (5) Virgiliu Costache (5) Jean Costache (5) Virginia Costache (5) Jenica Costache (5) Haralambie Costache (5) Benone Costache (5) Mirela Costache (5) Smaranda Costache (5) Despina Costache (5) Delia Costache (5) Danut Costache (5) Toader Costache (5) Dumitrache Costache (5) Nelu Costache (5) Lidia Costache (5) Nela Costache (5) Anton Costache (5) Sofia Costache (5) Constantina Costache (5) Marieta Costache (4) Vergil Costache (4) Gigi Costache (4) Georgica Costache (4) Nistor Costache (4) |
![]() | Family names Costache Popa (43) Costache Chiriac (35) Costache Ciobanu (30) Costache Rusu (25) Costache Andrei (23) Costache Munteanu (23) Costache Chirila (20) Costache Ungureanu (19) Costache Lupu (18) Costache Ursu (18) Costache Palade (17) Costache Dascalu (16) Costache Ifrim (15) Costache Baciu (15) Costache Iacob (15) Costache Danila (15) Costache Ignat (15) Costache Lungu (15) Costache Nastasa (14) Costache Puscasu (14) Costache Avram (14) Costache Constantin (14) Costache Sandu (14) Costache Ichim (13) Costache Serban (13) Costache Apostol (13) Costache Cojocariu (13) Costache Nechifor (13) Costache Radu (13) Costache Cozma (13) Costache Irimia (12) Costache Balan (12) Costache Macovei (12) Costache Pintilie (12) Costache Cristea (12) Costache Nechita (12) Costache Paduraru (12) Costache Damian (12) Costache Miron (12) Costache Grigoras (12) Costache Matei (12) Costache Anton (12) Costache Raileanu (11) Costache Paval (11) Costache Budeanu (11) Costache Toma (11) Costache Ilie (11) Costache Manolache (11) Costache Florea (11) Costache Anghel (11) Costache Pricop (11) Costache Butnaru (11) Costache Hutanu (11) Costache Mocanu (11) Costache Vasilache (10) Costache Apopei (10) Costache Panaite (10) Costache Burlacu (10) Costache Stan (10) Costache Tanasa (10) Costache Enache (10) Costache Prisecaru (10) Costache Maftei (10) Costache Rotariu (10) Costache Simion (10) Costache Zaharia (10) Costache Luchian (10) Costache Mihai (10) Costache Diaconu (10) Costache Popescu (10) Costache Stefan (9) Costache Dima (9) Costache Gradinaru (9) Costache Croitoru (9) Costache Pavel (9) Costache Necula (9) Costache Stoica (9) Costache Cojocaru (9) Costache Blanaru (9) Costache Apostu (9) Costache Nistor (9) Costache Amarandei (9) Costache Murariu (9) Costache Albu (9) Costache Olaru (9) Costache Timofte (9) Costache Melinte (9) Costache Grigore (9) Costache Roman (9) Costache Sarbu (9) Costache Manole (8) Costache Popovici (8) Costache Savin (8) Costache Moisa (8) Costache Vasiliu (8) Costache Amariei (8) Costache Olariu (8) Costache Botezatu (8) Costache Cojan (8) Costache Hritcu (8) Costache Toader (8) Costache Ciubotariu (8) Costache Danaila (8) Costache Dumitru (8) Costache Enea (8) Costache Gavril (8) Costache Onofrei (8) Costache Hriscu (8) Costache Constandache (8) Costache Dimofte (8) Costache Craciun (8) Costache Loghin (8) Costache Coman (7) Costache Ene (7) Costache Lupascu (7) Costache Butnariu (7) Costache Cuciureanu (7) Costache Ionascu (7) Costache Andone (7) Costache Marin (7) Costache Apetrei (7) Costache Harabagiu (7) Costache Carp (7) Costache Luca (7) Costache Portase (7) Costache Sirbu (7) Costache Jalba (7) Costache Bucur (7) Costache Rotaru (7) Costache Cenusa (7) Costache Chirita (7) Costache Bostan (7) Costache Dumitriu (7) Costache Nastase (7) Costache Stoian (7) Costache Botez (7) Costache Ciobotaru (7) Costache Totolici (7) Costache Tataru (7) Costache Stamate (7) Costache Cretu (7) Costache Chebac (7) Costache Stanciu (6) Costache Istrate (6) Costache Purice (6) Costache Neculita (6) Costache Bejan (6) Costache Pascal (6) Costache Tofan (6) Costache Balaban (6) Costache Azoitei (6) Costache Bucan (6) Costache Filip (6) Costache Poiana (6) Costache Abalasei (6) Costache Avasiloaie (6) Costache Lazar (6) Costache Puiu (6) Costache Dumitrascu (6) Costache Barbu (6) Costache Chelariu (6) Costache Boghian (6) Costache Bunduc (6) Costache Ranga (6) Costache Pascaru (6) Costache Corduneanu (6) Costache Buruiana (6) Costache Chihaia (6) Costache Fetcu (6) Costache Ciocan (6) Costache Proca (6) Costache Iftime (6) Costache Rosca (6) Costache Andronic (6) Costache Cazacu (6) Costache Ghimpu (6) Costache Doroftei (6) Costache Babii (6) Costache Maxim (6) Costache Tiron (6) Costache Sandulache (6) Costache Nica (6) Costache Alexandru (6) Costache Postelnicu (6) Costache Bulai (6) Costache Ailenei (6) Costache Andries (6) Costache Alecu (6) Costache Mihoci (6) Costache Neagu (6) Costache Aioanei (6) Costache Pruteanu (6) Costache David (6) Costache Oprea (6) Costache Vornicu (6) Costache Moraru (6) Costache Aparaschivei (6) Costache Pascu (6) Costache Anitei (6) Costache Bunescu (6) |

Costache reversed is Ehcatsoc
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.
Anagrams: Scoahcet
Misspells: Costoche Cosstache Costachea Csotache Costaceh Costahce
Rhymes: heartache moustache mustache Andromache Apache ache backache succotash
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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