Statistics and meaning of name Cosy

Usage: 63% firstname, 37% surname.
Cosy first name was found 40 times in 11 different countries.
Surname Cosy is used at least 23 times in at least 9 countries.
Gender of firstname Cosy is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.

      Surname Cosy
Given names
Eliane Cosy (1)
Gmbh Cosy (1)
Kindermode Cosy (1)
Taqia Cosy (1)
Rafiq Cosy (1)
Mathew Cosy (1)
Mike Cosy (1)
Nook Cosy (1)

Given name Cosy

Surname Cosy in USA   

Cosy reversed is Ysoc
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Coys Csoy Osyc Ycso Cyso Ysoc Yosc Oscy
Misspells: Cossy Cosi Cosya Csoy Coys

Rhymes: argosy choosy leprosy nosy posy prosy rosy cozy

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Malaysia Germany Russian Federation Belgium Netherlands Luxembourg Poland India United Kingdom Philippines


Famous people: Cosy Sheridan

Books: "Cosy Cat (Toddler First Learning)" "Cosy Corner Stories"

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or about the origins of this name?
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