Statistics and meaning of name Courdurier

We have no records about Courdurier being used as firstname.
Surname Courdurier is used at least 15 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Chile)

Given names
Danielle Courdurier (1)
Bernard Courdurier (1)
Jeannine Courdurier (1)
Marcel Courdurier (1)
Catherine Courdurier (1)
Elisabeth Courdurier (1)
Michele Courdurier (1)
Raymonde Courdurier (1)
Nadine Courdurier (1)
Daniel Courdurier (1)

Surname Courdurier in France   

Courdurier reversed is Reirudruoc
Name contains 10 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Rdocrueriu Rorcuuderi Drurcuiroe Rrecuoduir Eridcurour
Misspells: Couldurier Courrdurier Courduryer Courdurjer Courdureer Courduriera Cuordurier Courdurire Courdureir

Rhymes: Fourier courier flourier Carrier Currier Perrier couturier woollier bushier pushier bluesier

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Mexico

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