Statistics and meaning of name Criswell

Usage: 4% firstname, 96% surname.
Criswell first name was found 334 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Criswell is used at least 6852 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 克里斯韦尔 (pinyin: kè lǐ sī wéi ěr)

      Surname Criswell
Given names
Constance Criswell (3)
James Criswell (3)
Michael Criswell (2)
Rupert Criswell (1)
Nicola Criswell (1)
Robert Criswell (1)
Shirley Criswell (1)
Theodore Criswell (1)
Susanne Criswell (1)
Stephen Criswell (1)
Merryn Criswell (1)
Marian Criswell (1)
Claudia Criswell (1)
Camilla Criswell (1)
Brian Criswell (1)
Eleanor Criswell (1)
Jeffrey Criswell (1)
Ann Criswell (1)
John Criswell (1)
Jessica Criswell (1)
Marion Criswell (1)

Surname Criswell in USA   

Criswell reversed is Llewsirc
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Misspells: Cliswell Crriswell Crisswell Cryswell Crisvvell Crjswell Creswell Criswella Cirswell Criswlel

Rhymes: Boswell Roswell groundswell swell Aspell Bell Blackwell inkwell indwell

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Germany Macedonia Iceland India Kuwait France Poland Europe Ireland


Famous people: Kim Criswell, Ralph Luther Criswell, Kirby Lynn Criswell, Millie Criswell

Writers: Robert Criswell, William Criswell, Jack Criswell, Kim Criswell, Casey Criswell, Whit Criswell, Linda Criswell, Corey Criswell, Cleta Criswell, Ann Criswell, Millie Criswell, Criswell Freeman, Criswell Lappin, Jim Criswell, Jeron Criswell, Vance Criswell McCormick, Joan Henning Criswell, Carl S. Criswell, Dr W. A. Criswell, Wallie A. Criswell

Books: "Criswell Study Bible" "Criswell's guidebook for pastors" "Criswells Guidebook For Pastors"

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