Statistics and meaning of name Cygiel

We have no records about Cygiel being used as firstname.
Surname Cygiel is used at least 30 times in at least 7 countries.

      Surname Cygiel
Given names
Jadwiga Cygiel (1)
Grzegorz Cygiel (1)
Jan Cygiel (1)
Leon Cygiel (1)
Teresa Cygiel (1)
Robert Cygiel (1)
Dariusz Cygiel (1)
Helena Cygiel (1)
Alfons Cygiel (1)
Cedric Cygiel (1)
Bernhard Cygiel (1)
Martin Cygiel (1)
Bogdan Cygiel (1)
Piott Cygiel (1)

Surname Cygiel in Poland   Surname Cygiel in USA   

Cygiel reversed is Leigyc
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ycigle Ygilce Cigeyl Ygcile Cgyeli Ygceli
Misspells: Cygyel Cigiel Cygjel Cygeel Cygiela Cgyiel Cygile Cygeil

Rhymes: Ariel Daniel Ezekiel Gabriel Kiel McDaniel Muriel coccygeal sacrococcygeal cereale officiel pinwheel

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Peter says: This is my nickname. Cygiel actually comes form Poland where I'm from, it was my nickname from school. It has no meaning because it isn't a real word. It was deprived from a word cyngiel meaning someone that wears glasses or lies in own interest. Even more, cyngiel was a slang word as well. I continued using that nickname in Poland, UK and now USA.

This page has been visited from the following countries: Poland United States Germany Europe Canada Argentina


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