Statistics and meaning of name Czabanowski
We have no records about Czabanowski being used as firstname.
Surname Czabanowski is used at least 18 times in at least 3 countries.
Given names
Leszek Czabanowski (2) Krzysztof Czabanowski (1) Jerzy Czabanowski (1) Marek Czabanowski (1) Jan Czabanowski (1) Stanislaw Czabanowski (1) Zbigniew Czabanowski (1) Adam Czabanowski (1) Jaroslaw Czabanowski (1) |
Czabanowski reversed is Ikswonabazc
Name contains 11 letters - 36.36% vowels and 63.64% consonants.
Anagrams: Nickaozwabs
Misspells: Czobanowski Czabanowsski Czabanowsky Czabanovvski Czabanowskj Czabanowske Czabanowskia Cazbanowski Czabanowsik Czabanowksi
Rhymes: Malinowski Paderewski Brzezinski Korzybski divorcee paparazzi amorphously hydroxy mossy
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Juri Czabanowski says: The meaning of the name of Czabanowski is a synthesis of polish 'Czaban' version of ucrain 'Chaban' and turkish 'çoban' meaning shepherd, he who looks after the sheep (think in french of cabane: shelter for sheep, and arabic chaban means graceful, beautiful, from planet Venus)and 'owski' belonging to the polish folks and country of Poland. Explanation by dr. Juri Czabanowski, Nijmegen NL 2014
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