Statistics and meaning of name Czezar

We have no records about Czezar being used as firstname.
Surname Czezar is used at least 18 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Hungary)

Given names
Ferenc Czezar (4)
Carol Czezar (2)
Margareta Czezar (2)
Istvan Czezar (2)
Josif Czezar (2)
Jozsef Czezar (1)
Jozsefne Czezar (1)
Eugenia Czezar (1)
Karoly Czezar (1)
Julianna Czezar (1)
Eva Czezar (1)

Czezar reversed is Razezc
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Czeazr Eczazr Zrecaz Cezarz Zecarz
Misspells: Czezor Czezal Czezarr Czezara Cezzar Czezra Czeazr

Rhymes: Balthazar Belshazzar Eleazar Khazar Mizar Nebuchadnezzar Salazar dear beer deer peer cheer

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Czezari says: Segundo nome também considerado um título dado àqueles que são dotados de aura tão resplandecente quanto a luz do sol. Dotados de grande habilidade de reforma íntima, desenvolvimento de inteligência avançado e aspecto angelical.
Czezari says: Second name also considered a title given to those who are endowed with an aura as resplendent as sunlight. Endowed with great ability for intimate reform, advanced intelligence development and angelic appearance.

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