Statistics and meaning of name Dabydoyal

We have no records about Dabydoyal being used as firstname.
Surname Dabydoyal is used at least 11 times in at least 1 countries. (UK)

Given names
Sara Dabydoyal (2)
Rachel Dabydoyal (2)
Aimee Dabydoyal (2)
Susan Dabydoyal (1)
Keeran Dabydoyal (1)
Deenesh Dabydoyal (1)
Julie Dabydoyal (1)
Keerun Dabydoyal (1)

Dabydoyal reversed is Layodybad
Name contains 9 letters - 55.56% vowels and 44.44% consonants.

Anagrams: Daybylaod Yolabydda Dydbaaloy
Misspells: Dobydoyal Dabidoyal Dabydoyala Dbaydoyal Dabydoyla Dabydoayl

Rhymes: Royal Uniroyal disloyal loyal royal banal protocol cabal cytosol fascial

Meaning of this name is unknown.

DEENESH DABYDOYAL says: The family name DABYDOYAL is of Sanskrit origin where DEVI-DAYAL was limited to translated in English Alphabed or the Indo European languages... Devi = Mother Dayal = Peace So Devi-Dayal = Ultimate Peace or (Mata/Mother Peace) Devi is limited to be translated in Indo European as its meaning is Goddess (Mother of Mother) Dabydoyal is also spelt: Devidayal Dabidoyal

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